The Woolen Coat

Juanita Bynoe

The room that once was my grandfather’s,

laid a brown woolen coat that hung on

my closet door.

The woolen coat stayed hung,

to symbolize the presence of my long-past


Granddad had a love for woolen coats,

especially to match his Sunday best suit.

Who could imagine his sweet soul

was put to rest so soon?

Looking at the sky-blue walls,

I pictured his ocean-blue eyes staring

into my chestnut eyes.

My face began to sob as my cheeks melted,

a tear came sliding down my face.

I once sat in this same room,

where my grandad spoke childhood

memories to teach me a valuable lesson.

His laugh was unique and danced

in my mind, I remember enjoying

our laughs.

Grandad and I had our little disagreements,

but one thing for sure he loved me.

The woolen coat that once was there,

was taken from the sky-blue room.

I still feel my grandad’s soul,

through the blue walls of my room.The blue walls are the heaven

skies where my grandad rest peacefully.

Juanita Bynoe is a graduating senior at Medgar Evers college. She graduated with a BA English and a concentration in creative writing. Juanita enjoys free writing and journaling her thoughts on paper. Her poem was written in remembrance of her grandfather who has passed away. Her next steps is to apply to Grad school to earn her masters to become a professor.